About us

The greatest good for the greatest number and Country. Leave no-one behind.

Our story

How we got there

Outback Academy Australia (OAA) began as the Networked Communities for Sustainable Futures (NCSF) in 2010/11 with an Innovative Project grant funded by the Commonwealth Government. Led by founders of OAA today, this initiative began to explore game-changing models for connecting underutilised First Nations land assets to build ethical, sustainable and economically viable agricultural business, employment and supply chain opportunities.

Following NCSF,  OAA's Lead initiative became the East West Alliance, and is today referred to as Follow the Flowers. It grew through friendships between Eastern and Western Seaboard colleagues working in agriculture and natural resource management agencies, alongside First Nations landholders. These leaders were committed to building regenerative agriculture and horticulture businesses that repair Country, while strengthening communities, economic prosperity and employment.  Similar to Fairtrade.

Efforts to bring landholders together to inform the national movement were assisted by Indigenous Business Australia, National Indigenous Australians Authority, Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Program, the Department of Agriculture and Food in WA (now Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development) and philanthropy partners.

Critical at this time was the friendship and ambassadorial efforts of Wells Trenfield (dec) the owner of Jasper Coffee - Australia's first Fairtrade coffee company. Wells assisted OAA leaders and landholders with their thinking and decision-making about collaborative, socially and environmentally responsible approaches to business on farms, and in broader contexts as a connected supply chain.

Friendships and work together were further encouraged by AFL Legend and former Roelands Mission, now Roelands Village resident Syd Jackson, who was concerned about how his old mission could achieve economic sustainability while taking care of former residents and their families. This remains a strong interest of Syd's today alongside opportunities for young people with and without disability to have a hand-up into employment.

In 2023, OAA's work was significantly assisted by philanthropists who share our interests in accelerating First Nations led regenerative agriculture business that repairs Country while building economic and social change and prosperity.

Today OAA works collaboratively with landholders to build and benefit from regenerative agriculture, horticulture and linked tourism on their land. Part of this model requires OAA to work in the development of co-designed business plans, capacity and capability building for regenerative agriculture, including for technical and core business governance skills.

The OAA team today drive - regenerative agriculture businesses that repair Country; intergenerational and shoulder to shoulder workforce development packages on farms and with education partners; collaboration with investors and partners to close the gap in resources, equipment and infrastructure;  feed into State and Commonwealth policy and program development for First Nations led agriculture; marketing and supply chain arrangements with buyers of product

Additionally, OAA is committed to making sure we and our partners include opportunity building with young people, including those with disability and in out-of-home care.  This part of what we do falls under our Red Dust Heelers - Diversity and Inclusion arm

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Our model

Why an alliance-based business?

In 2013 Outback Academy Australia was officially formed as a not-for-profit majority led Aboriginal organisation. In 2014 the OAA leadership team put a proposition to the SW WA Economic Development Forum, based on the Fairtrade business model:

“What if we collaborated rather than compete as an ethical and authentic supply chain movement?”

Outback Academy had a close relationship with Australia’s first Fairtrade coffee company owner Wells Trenfield, Jasper Coffee. The leadership team could see the benefits of alliance-based supply chain business, particularly for those seeking to break a cycle of poverty and dependence on others for economic, social, cultural and environmental change.

First Nations farmers had few resources or the total expertise needed to drive agricultural and horticultural business to scale. Farmers were also seeking sustainable commercialisation that would regenerate Country and communities – regenerative farming. Many were concerned about the use of traditional ecological knowledge and cultural product in commercialisation for example, bush foods and botanicals – a market dominated by non-Aboriginal business owners.

Consultations with Murray Corridor landholders followed in 2017-18. Aspirations and barriers to progressing business were similar, and a sense of urgency was also expressed about the need to drive significant economic, social and environmental change as the Murray Corridor is one of the most fragile environments in the nation.

Today farmers in four states (WA, SA, NSW and Victoria) work in a co-design and collaboration model with Outback Academy under the trademark Follow the Flowers. Farmers are committed to a national movement and supply chain that is successful in business while repairing Country, and creating economic and employment opportunities from the farms they operate as an authentic, Aboriginal led business movement. Read more about the Follow the Flowers Business Movement and Farmers.

Our vision

The future we're creating

Thriving Country Thriving Communities

Our values

The qualities that define us


We bring respect for people and Country to all our business and relationships.


We always ask what is the right thing to do? We aim to bring integrity, honesty and alignment between our words and actions.


We believe we can achieve more together with shared values partners, than alone.


We engage our hearts and heads in all our relationships, making sure we leave no-one behind.


Here's what we do

We work on the ground with Aboriginal farmers to build capacity and capabilities for alliance-based and scaled-up agricultural and horticultural regenerative farming business. Farmers are also building farm-based tourism activities and other related business.

All farmers are building opportunities for young people and others seeking a hand-up into employment or enterprise establishment. This includes people with disability, young people in out of home care, and others who may seek a reset on farm for improved educational, employment, health, social and emotional wellbeing outcomes.

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Who buys from us?

Our buyers are interested in supporting ethical, alliance-based regenerative farmers, honey, nursery and flower producers. They are seeking products that are regenerating Country and communities, including in the face of climate change, food sustainability issues, and extreme weather events. They also want to contribute to improved social conditions in the communities and regions where Follow the Flowers and related business activities are occurring.

Additional ventures

Other work we do

We also provide consultancy services to businesses and organisations in the areas of workforce development, inclusive work practices, capacity and capability building, cross-cultural training, Reconciliation Action Plans, disability employment plans, disability awareness and community engagement programs.

Our Red Dust Heelers are regularly requested to support community engagement programs, Corporate speaking events and team building activities where Companies and agencies are building more inclusive workplace practices and opportunities for employment.

These services assist us to keep our Follow the Flowers and Red Dust Heelers initiatives active on the ground, including where some communities require assistance to start up engagement with us.

Our Work
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Our partners + supporters

We're supported by a range of organisations

All our partners and supporters are highly valued. They include Allens Lawyers, Jasper Coffee, Indigenous Business Australia, the West Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Council, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA, Lotterywest, the Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Program, the Department of Jobs Skills Industry and Regions Victoria, Melbourne University Dookie College, the Goulburn Broken Catchment Authority Odonata Foundation, Kabo Lawyers, AESOP, CSIRO, CP Foods, Cummins, the Melbourne Farmers Markets, Veolia and many more. OAA also thanks the members of the philanthropic community who have enabled OAA with farmers to progress practical parts of business building including workforce and equipment.

We also acknowledge Follow the Flowers farmers and communities across Australia, Outback Academy Australia pro-bono and volunteer roles, and our Red Dust Heelers community leaders.

Thank you all.

Get in touch today to find out how Outback Academy can connect your business with Aboriginal landholders to benefit indigenous communities.